
10 Life Lessons You Learn When You’re Forty Plus

top ten important life lessons learned when you are forty plus in age adulting life lessons

👑Do you remember ever hearing “you’ll understand when you grow up”? Well I do and now that I am well into my forties, I totally understand all the life lessons that my parents and grandparents tried to teach me when I was younger. I believe that after the age of forty your mindset changes and matures to a higher level because it’s getting ready for the next chapter of life.

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Now some people will take that it that life after forty is “down hill” or life gets boring but it’s better to think of it as a new section in your life story. Being forty plus is just a different mindset than when you were younger. Your goals are different and you see life with a more intensive perspective than before. You actually “get it” and can really appreciate the meaning behind each lesson.

Here are the 10 Life Lessons You Learn When You’re Forty Plus:

#1 – It’s not about collecting stuff anymore but making and collecting memories.

#2 – Having the funds to retire on makes a difference. You are investing in your future.

#3 – Paying more for things that will last longer is worth the price. Once again, you are investing in your future.

#4 – You are responsible for your own happiness, it’s not anyone else’s job to make you happy. You choose happiness.

#5 – Love and gratitude are truly the greatest gifts in the world.

#6 – You REALLY stop caring about what other people think about you. If they have a problem with you – it’s their problem, not yours.

#7 – Your health is more important than your looks even though you try to maintain both.

#8 – You don’t have time to be bothered with nonsense, drama or bad attitudes.

#9 – You start kicking it into high gear to check off your bucket list items.

#10 – Relaxation, peace and happiness are your new primary goals in life.

If you are in your forties, then you know exactly what type of truth each of these have for you. If not, then you will get there one day. It’s just amazing how differently I look at life now than compared to my twenties and thirties. You hear these things and you know these things but to actually understand and appreciate these things is totally different.

There are plenty of lessons to learn in life and these were just the tip of the iceberg. Leave a comment below with any life lessons that you learned after turning forty. Don’t forget to like, share and get on the email list before you go. Remember sharing is caring. Have a blessed day and live a life of royalty!👑