
The Most Popular Collectible TV Show Memorabilia

most popular tv memorabilia to collect

👑People love to collect different things from cars to shot glasses to signs and even memorabilia from our favorite TV shows. When it’s announced that it is a TV show’s last season, people begin to buy up the memorabilia not only for their own personal collection but in hopes that one day it will be worth some money.

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The biggest show that has announced it’s final season this year is The Walking Dead on AMC. This year marks season 11 and the last for this post-apocalyptic zombie show. Now is a great time to start buying any memorabilia for this show before it completely ends so that you can get memorabilia at reasonable prices before they skyrocket. If you look online for memorabilia from older shows that have ended, you will notice that the older the show is that certain items are pretty pricey because the items are so rare.

So what is the most popular collectible TV memorabilia that can grow in value? Let’s take a look.

Anything that has an authentic signature from cast members, writers or directors

Comic books & first edition books

Character dolls & toys

Games & puzzles

Trading cards

Magazine covers

TV set props

Lunch bags & thermos

Complete DVD season sets & soundtracks

Now for an item to hold the most value possible, you don’t want to open the package and you will want to store it properly so that heat and/or moisture won’t ruin the item over time. Already have a collection? You can check out Collectibles Investment Group for a free appraisal because you never know, you might be sitting on a gold mine and don’t even realize it.

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