👑With the prices of food on the rise, people are looking to cut some of the cost by starting a small garden at home. Gardening can be both fun and relaxing, but everyone is not cut out for gardening, so the best plan is to start with something small and inexpensive. Use these quick tips to get you started.

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Indoor garden or outdoor garden

Choose what plants you want for your small garden.

You can choose as many plants as you would like but I recommend starting with four or less. This will keep you from becoming overwhelmed with too many different types of plants. Most plants have different needs for sunshine and watering.

Do your research on each plant you choose. This will help you understand if the plant will grow in your region, when to plant it and how to take care of it. Also research the size of the plants because this will become a factor in choosing a space.

If you need some help choosing, check out these articles: GARDENING TO SAVE MONEY – 10 PLANTS TO GROW and 40 Fastest Growing Vegetables, Berries, and Herbs You’ll Enjoy in no Time.

Choose your gardening space.

Now that you know which plants you want to have in your garden and how much room you need, you will need to decide if will you have an inside garden or outside garden. If you choose an inside garden, make sure the space is well lit. I recommend getting growing lights for dim spaces because most edible garden plants need 3 to 6 hours of sunshine depending on the plant.

For an outside garden, look for a space that the sun can reach several hours a day. If you live in a place that has cooler temperatures, you may want to consider buying a small greenhouse that will draw in the sun, warmth and moisture. Research what temperatures your plants need to thrive so that you will have a better yield when it comes time for harvesting.

Choose how you are going to grow your small garden.

Are you gardening the old-fashioned way in the ground or do plan on trying something new? Will you try growing plants in buckets or will you try to aquaponics verses hydroponics? It all boils down to how much time, money and effort you want to dedicate to your garden. Gardens do need attention so it is important to design a garden that will fit into your schedule and your budget.

Choose some simple tools to help you.

What does most gardeners keep handy? Gloves and a shovel are the basics. For a small garden, a hand shovel will do the trick. If you have seeds that need to be germinated prior to planting, you may want to invest in a seed germination kit or you can check out this article: How To Germinate Seeds to do it yourself. For keeping your plants hydrated, I suggest investing in a watering can that can be used both indoors and outdoors.

The key to having a prosperous garden to do the research before you start. Research and choose the right plants, space, how to grow, and tools to use so that you will have the best possible yield for your new small garden. May your harvest be plentiful!

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