👑Do you ever wish you could live a life of royalty? What would that even look like? When you hear the word royalty, most people automatically think of the royal family and castles. If you’re not part of the royal family, does that mean you can’t live a life of royalty? I believe that royalty is a mindset and yes anyone can live a life a royalty if you choose to. Now that you know that you can live a life of royalty, below are some tips on how you can start living it.

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Changing your mindset about royalty

To live a life of royalty, you need to change your mindset or how you look at things. How do you do that? You change how you look at your status, your castle, your finances and your lifestyle. You maybe living a life of royalty already and don’t even realize it because of your perspective of what royalty means to you.

Your status: Royalty is defined as: royal status or power. To start, we are part of a greater kingdom that we all can claim royalty status of. Now look at it like this, who has power over your life? You, not anyone else but you. You need to own that power and status. You have the authority to live a life of royalty. No one can take that away from you and all you have to do is claim it. Real power is not being over people or a title, it’s about living your life to the fullest and the feeling of being worthy and royal.

Your castle: Are you not the King or Queen of your castle? You sure are and you should treat it that way. Maybe you don’t live in an actual castle or have staff cleaning and cooking for you but that doesn’t mean it isn’t your castle. You can treasure and treat your home just like a castle because it’s your castle. Think of it this way, at least you can make changes to your home, most castles are like museums so there isn’t a lot of changes because they are trying to preserve the history. As for the staff, you can always treat yourself with a monthly maid service or hire a private chef for the evening to make you feel like royalty. Remember it’s all about capturing the feeling.

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Your finances: Are you looking at your bank account and thinking it don’t look so royal? Well first of all living a life of royalty isn’t all about money but you can look for ways to increase your income. There are so many side hustles that can bring in extra money but you need to find something you love to do. That’s one of the reasons that I started a blog and my Esty store. Doing what you love and loving what you do can bring a lot of success into your life. If a side hustle isn’t your thing, most banks have programs for retirement, investing and financial planning that can help you reach your financial goals too.

Your lifestyle: If you checked out the about page then you know that you don’t have to be titled royal to live a royal lifestyle. Do you travel now and enjoy your vacations? Do you ever treat yourself with a gift that you’ve been wanting? Do you have a hobby you enjoy? Think about it, these things are part of your lifestyle that you are already living. Maybe you don’t consider it as living a royal lifestyle but it actually is. Being able to choose the things that bring happiness and joy into your life is not only a living of royally but also living a blessed life.

Royalty doesn’t have to be defined by what society says it is. Royalty is a mindset of being worthy of the best but you choose what is best for you. When you put all these things together then you realize that you define your own royal life and your own royal status. It’s not about titles or money but your own perception of yourself and your own lifestyle. That’s why I believe anyone can live a life of royalty if they choose to!

For a more personalized coaching session on how to live a life of royalty, send an email to the following email address: shannon.rhymer@southernroyalty.co. Don’t forget to like, share and leave a comment below and get on the email list before you go. Remember sharing is caring. Have a blessed day and live a life of royalty!👑