👑Have you ever felt in a slump or just blah? I’m not talking about feeling sick or depressed, just a feeling of being in a funk. It’s normal to feel like that from time to time and usually all you need is a way to lift your mood. If you have a busy lifestyle like most people do then you need something that is simple, quick and effective. The below strategies are just that: simple, quick and effective. Everyone’s needs are different so see which one works the best for you.

feeling blah or in a slump simple ways to lift your mood

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Positive thinking

Negative thoughts brings about negative energy and it works the same for positive thoughts. If you think about how you feel in a rut then you will continue to feel that way. Think about the things in your life that brings feelings of happiness and joy. It can be a memory that makes you happy, your family, your accomplishments, your favorite vacation or even eating your favorite food. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; it can be the simplest thought that makes you smile.

Shift your focus

Sometimes people are so focused on a specific situation or problem that it causes a slump. Just a minor shift in focus can lift your mood. Take a 5 – 10 minute break to do something you really enjoy doing like reading, crafting or listening to music. Another thing you can try is a change of scenery like going outside. Take a short walk, sit in the sun or just close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature. This simple technique can bring about feelings of peace and comfort.

Gratitude list

Simple and effective, a gratitude list gives you a visual aid to remind yourself of all the good things in your life. Make a list of at least 5 things that you are grateful for. It can be your accomplishments, your family, your friends or anything that you are thankful to have in your life right now.


Visualization can happen within your mind, by writing it down or with a vision board. Take a few minutes to visualize or “day dream”. It can be about accomplishing your goals, buying a new house, being on a luxurious vacation or winning the lottery. It’s all about visualizing something that makes you feel good inside.


Affirmations can really lift your mood if you put the feeling behind the words. You have to believe what you are saying, writing or thinking for the affirmations to work. That’s why I recommend that you come up with your own affirmations that spark your spirit. If you need a couple of starters try:

  • Everything is always working out for me.
  • Great things will happen for me today.
  • I am destined for greatness.
  • Everything I do prospers and succeeds.
  • My spirit is full of life and love.
  • I am worthy of love, happiness and abundance.


Laughing is a great way to give your mood a quick boost. For most people, the quickest way to get a good laugh is to look on social media. From funny videos to GIFs to memes to jokes, you can always find something funny on the internet. Not a fan of the internet? Try thinking of the funniest memory you can or call that one friend that always has a funny story to tell.

Look Up

Sounds too simple, right? Have you ever tried to frown while looking up? It’s not easy at all. You have to actually work hard to frown while looking up. You are probably trying it now and if you are anything like me, it made me smile just because I felt silly trying to make a frowny face. Simple but definitely worth a try.

There are no rules to any of these strategies with one exception, it has to make you feel better. If something doesn’t make you feel better then it’s not serving it’s purpose. Everyone has different mood lifting triggers and the key is to find what works best for you.

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