One of the fastest ways people get overwhelmed during the holidays is by overspending. Being financially unprepared for the holiday season leads to bad habits and poor choices that can have serious repercussions at the beginning of the new year.
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Holiday spending is more than buying gifts, it’s usually a bunch of small things that add up. Things like:

Money leaking out here and there for expenses you don’t have any other time of year adds up and can cause debt or overspending. Stress starts building up with each purchase and what should be a fun time of year starts to feel overwhelming. You don’t have to overspend or go into debt trying to make the holidays magical. Pay attention to these dos and don’ts to help keep your financial health during the holidays.
Holidays – Dos & Don’ts
DO- Create a holiday budget before the holidays start- Every year is different. Some years there are more resources for the holidays and some years are lean. Making a budget before the holidays based on your current financial situation. Keep to your budget to help prevent overspending.
DO- Find fun and unique ways to make some extra cash- Host an annual yard sale or offer a side hustle that brings in some extra cash each year. Finding fun ways to make more money helps you cover the extra costs you have during the holiday season. Enlist the family and encourage them to earn some extra cash that they can use for buying gifts or personal items during the season.
DO- Cherry pick your holiday must-haves before spending- There are unlimited ways to spend during the holidays. Everything associated with the holidays is bright and shiny and can make impulse buying hard to avoid. Be decisive about what matters most to you during the season and focus your attention and your dollars on those items and activities and leave the rest for someone else to enjoy.
DON’T- Worry about what other people do- It’s an age-old concept but still rings true. You shouldn’t worry about what your neighbors are doing. You don’t need to keep up with anyone else nor be influenced by their spending. Focus on your family and what makes sense for your unique needs during the holidays.
DON’T- Forget the benefits of getting ahead of the game- Procrastination can cause overspending. Don’t put off tasks like food shopping or other errands that dig into your budget. The earlier you take care of things the easier you can find deals and be more relaxed. An example could be purchasing all of your non-perishable food items for all holiday meals in one early shopping trip. This gets the task out of the way and frees up time during the rest of the season,
DON’T- Allow guilt to make you overspend- It’s hard to say no when you want to say yes. Financially, it may not be possible to do everything without going into debt or making a poor financial decision. Don’t allow guilt to drive you. The holidays magnify certain feelings. Set healthy limits that keep your finances under control and don’t feel guilty for being smart with your money.
Spending can be at an all-time high during the holidays. There are a lot of expenses that come with celebrating which have the potential to strain your budget. Don’t let the holidays cost you your happiness, sanity, or more. Keep your spending in perspective and enjoy a happy and financially healthy season.
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