
11 Simple Household Items To Stock Up On For The Year

Eleven Simple Household Items to Stock Up On

👑Don’t get stocking up confused with hoarding. Reasonably buying items to stock up on can help during all types of situations and keep it off the grocery list for a whole year. Who doesn’t like making life a little easier?

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What are the benefits of stocking up?

The number one benefit is not having to worry about buying it for a year. All you need to do is evaluate the usage once a year, stock up and be done with those items.

You will already have these items in case of emergencies like shortages, unemployment or natural disasters.

You can learn a lot when you visit the manufacturer’s website. The Glad website offers helpful tips, new ideas and recipes.

How do you measure how much is used in a year?

Take one month to monitor how much is used of each product. It’s pretty easy for things like toliet paper or paper towels because you can physically see how many rolls get used and then multiply it by 12 months. For example, if 6 rolls are used in a month then multiply 6 x 12. You will need an estimated 72 rolls to last a year.

Now it’s a little harder to calculate the fluid ounces but it can be done with a scale that can weigh fluid ounces. For example, you buy hand soap at 8 fl. oz. and after a month of use it may weigh in at 2 fl. oz. which means that you will probably want to buy 9 to 12 bottles to cover the year.

Trash bags are pretty easy to evaluate too. For example, I know that in my household we use one bag a week so I know for sure that I will need to buy a box that has at least 52 bags in it to last for the year.

11 Simple Household Items To Stock Up On:

🛒Shampoo / Conditioner


🛒Dishwasher detergent

🛒Laundry detergent

🛒Toilet paper

🛒Paper towels

🛒Hand soap

🛒Soap / Body wash



🛒Trash bags

What about how much it costs to stock up?

Stockpiling can be a little costly but there are ways to save.

  • You can pick one item to stockpile each week or month so that it’s not so costly.
  • Coupons are definitely the best way to save especially when you can catch an item on sale. You can visit the manufacturer’s website, store websites or coupon sites like
  • Buy in bulk at wholesale retailers. If you don’t have already have a membership and don’t want to get one, see if you have any family or friends that would let you be their guest for shopping trip.
  • You may also want to download a shopping app like “Shopping with Microsoft Edge” which automatically alerts you when and where a coupon or cheaper price can be found.

Keep in mind that when you are evaluating the usage that it is estimated. If you have to buy more throughout the year, then make a note of it so that you can make the necessary adjustments when it is time to stock up again.

One last suggestion, make sure you have somewhere to store your stockpile so that keeps it organized. Without being organized, you won’t know what you have verses what you need. If you have any stockpiling tips or ideas, leave them in the comment section below.

Don’t forget to like, share and get on the email list before you go to receive the free “Stockpile Checklist” PDF to help you while it is available. Have a blessed day and live a life of royalty! 👑